The schedule for our Lent and Easter services ...
Sandi’s message: Easter Journey
“Jesus Christ is risen!” we’ll be singing and declaring on Sunday, as we celebrate his resurrection. How we all look forward to gathering to praise God on Easter Day. But before we arrive on Sunday, please may I encourage you all to journey with Jesus through the next few days too.
Today we remember Jesus setting his disciples, both then and now, the example of serving others. And we will remember Jesus’ words as he shared the Passover meal then, words which have been repeated through two millennia as his followers gather to celebrate Holy Communion.
Tomorrow, Good Friday, may we follow Jesus on his journey to the cross and find time to pause in wonder at all he went through, bearing the weight of sin of all humankind so that we each might be restored into loving relationship with God.
On Saturday, we remember the disciples hiding away in fear of their lives, grieving for their Lord, waiting in the darkness of unknowing, before the dawning of the third day when everything changed forever for them and us. May I encourage us all, wherever we will be spending these next few special days, to make time to journey with Jesus.
With my love and prayers for you all this Eastertime.