Sandi Wickens our Priest in Charge...
Sandi arrived as Priest in Charge of Westfield, Guestling and Fairlight Churches in September 2022. A Sussex girl through and through she is married to Dave and they have one grown up son. Sandi loves walking on the beach and in the beautiful countryside here, visiting local cafes for coffee and cake, singing, gardening and all things creative.
Members of our Ministry Team...
Bryn Newman
We moved to Westfield from Essex in 2008 and despite the name I was born in Suffolk.
I’ve been involved with Church music from a very young age and am now most likely to be seen with a guitar. In 1977, I was commissioned as a Methodist Local Preacher and have been leading worship at a variety of denominations ever since.
Marian and I live in Westfield and take part in Church life, most enjoyably at Messy Church once a month.
Contact details for Westfield Church
Revd Sandi Wickens - 07395 106514
Churchwardens at Westfield Church:
Dawn Archer - 01424 255423
Suzanne Bunton - 07753 430197
Safeguarding Officer:
Cathy Williamson - 07765 258012
Parish Administrator: for general enquiries and Hall bookings
Jayne Stevens -07539 652000